Apr 21, 2023Liked by Gus Quixote

Absolutely decadent! Yummy!

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References to DCSA and other pertinent law enforcement, DOD/FBI standard recovery techniques....

Did you not confirm some time ago Gus, that DOD used Konnech or at least Yu to develop its overseas voting system? We all know that the CIA, FBI and DOD all know that we know that they orchestrated all of this with the assistance of MI-U.

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Oh there's a whole lot coming now! haha

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There are no coincidences why President Trump gave me Q clearance in the QResearch back channel. The news articles trashing"QAnon" are intentional and mis/disinformation. The "swamp" got caught and we have everything. President Trump(Q+)told me to trust the plan and justice is coming 🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16 #MAGA

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The only plan I can get behind is the people leveraging our votes at the local level and getting our neighbors, friends, and family involved in the community, and start rebuilding what globalism and state-capitalism took away from us! There's no more waiting! No one is coming to save us except us!

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